High Holiday Resources
20-Page guide to the High Holidays from 18 Doors.org
Important words and phrases to know about Rosh HaShanah While most American Jews know of the traditional ritual of dipping a slice of apple into honey, to wish for a sweet new year, many Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews also participate in a "seder" before the first main meal of the holiday. So, in this article from MyJewishLearning.com, find out how to lead a Sephardic Rosh HaShanah Seder.
From My Jewish Learning's website, a wonderful guide on how to celebrate the High Holidays.
Read Rosh HaShanah history by ReformJudaism.org.
Hazon - The Jewish Lab for Sustainability, presents a well-curated bouquet of resources. To read more about how you can gear up and be ready to make this new year more meaningful and sustainable, click here.
A Parent’s Must-Have Guide to the High Holidays, by Sara Sapadin, published on ReformJudaism.org.
How to Get the Most out of the Virtual High Holiday Services
PJ Library Guide to High Holidays @ Home and Rosh Hashanah 2021 Resource Hub
High Holidays books for kids;
I Spy Rosh Hashanah: Celebrate Jewish New Year with this Activity Book (Ages 2-5)
I’m Sorry Grover: A Rosh Hashanah Tale
King of the Fruits
Rachel’s Roses
Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons
Fun at Grandma Sadie’s
All About Jewish Time
Rosh Hashanah Unicorn: Coloring Book for Kids
From Kveller.com: