High Holiday Services
Listed below are the websites and phone numbers of institutions/synagogues that provide High Holiday services. Even though congregations have resumed their in-person services, they have continued to provide online access to them. Please check with each institution on their policy. Some will allow non-members to get a link for attendance at their services.
Wishing You a Sweet and Healthy 5784...
​ • Beth Chaim Congregation, bethchaim.com (925.736.7146)
• Chabad of Contra Costa, jewishcontracosta.com (925.937.4101)
• Chabad of the Tri-Valley, jewishtrivalley.com (925.846.0700)
• Congregation Beth Emek, bethemek.org (925.931.1055)
• Congregation B’nai Shalom, bshalom.org (925.934.9446)
• Congregation B’nai Tikvah, tikvah.org (925.933.5397)
• JCC of the East Bay, jcceastbay.org (510.848.0237)
• Temple Isaiah, temple-isaiah.org (925.283.8575)